V1 of gdbGuestbook is on-line.
Thanks to NETonE for the smilies...
Added country (New-Zealand)
Added keywords
Added last 10 pages viewed
Added categories and authors
First draft of the new guestbook here.
Added countries (Hungary, Finland)
Added Operating Systems (Windows XP, Windows ME)
Added browsers (IE 5.5)
19-01-2002Small Bug Fixes.
Added new countries and browsers for the statistics.
Started works on a new guestbook for a better integration with the web-site.
08-01-2002Update of comments (articles 84, 96, 110 and 147).
More works on the stats interface:
Added the browsers
Added the Operating Systems
Added the Originating Country
Added the Referees
Added the newsletter
Added (Article + IP + Day = Unique)
Added the most popular articles
Check it out here.
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