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 D.H. Lawrence
 William Wordsworth

 Absurdum Delirium
 English Literature
 French Literature

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Apprehension , by D.H. Lawrence
en francais
AND all hours long, the town 
  Roars like a beast in a cave 
That is wounded there 
And like to drown; 
  While days rush, wave after wave         5
On its lair. 
An invisible woe unseals 
  The flood, so it passes beyond 
All bounds: the great old city 
Recumbent roars as it feels  10
  The foamy paw of the pond 
Reach from immensity. 
But all that it can do 
  Now, as the tide rises, 
Is to listen and hear the grim  15
Waves crash like thunder through 
  The splintered streets, hear noises 
Roll hollow in the interim. 
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