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 D.H. Lawrence
 William Wordsworth

 Absurdum Delirium
 Bandes dessinées
 Littérature Anglaise
 Littérature Française

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Hyde Park at Night, before the War - Clerks
Hyde Park at Night, before the War - Clerks, by D.H. Lawrence
in english
WE have shut the doors behind us, and the velvet flowers of night 
Lean about us scattering their pollen grains of golden light. 
Now at last we lift our faces, and our faces come aflower 
To the night that takes us willing, liberates us to the hour. 
Now at last the ink and dudgeon passes from our fervent eyes         5
And out of the chambered weariness wanders a spirit abroad on its enterprise. 
    Not too near and not too far 
    Out of the stress of the crowd 
    Music screams as elephants scream 
    When they lift their trunks and scream aloud  10
    For joy of the night when masters are 
          Asleep and adream. 
    So here I hide in the Shalimar 
    With a wanton princess slender and proud, 
    And we swoon with kisses, swoon till we seem  15
    Two streaming peacocks gone in a cloud 
    Of golden dust, with star after star 
          On our stream. 
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