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 D.H. Lawrence
 William Wordsworth

 Absurdum Delirium
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 Littérature Anglaise
 Littérature Française

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The End
The End, by D.H. Lawrence
in english
IF I could have put you in my heart,
If but I could have wrapped you in myself,
How glad I should have been!
And now the chart
Of memory unrolls again to me        5
The course of our journey here, before we had to part.
And oh, that you had never, never been
Some of your selves, my love, that some
Of your several faces I had never seen!
And still they come before me, and they go,        10
And I cry aloud in the moments that intervene.
And oh, my love, as I rock for you to-night,
And have not any longer any hope
To heal the suffering, or make requite
For all your life of asking and despair,        15
I own that some of me is dead to-night.
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